Deep Cleaning Chicago LLC

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Which City Is Colder Chicago Or New York?

When winter rolls around, two of America's biggest cities—New York and Chicago—get cold weather, windy weather, and lots of snow. Both cities have their own unique winter problems, from blizzard conditions to icy roads. But which city is the coldest? If you've ever wondered if the Windy City or the Big Apple is colder during the winter, you've come to the right place! Let's take a look at the two and see which city actually wears the "coldest" crown and why winter in both cities is so unique.

The Reasons Why The Wind Makes Chicago Feel Much Colder Than New York

Chicago really is known as the "Windy City." For some reason, the city gets extra windy in the winter because it is right on Lake Michigan. The strong winds make it feel colder outside than it really is. Chicago's wind chill can make it feel as cold as -20°F (-29°C) on some days!

With such strong winds, New York isn't the same, though. Yes, there are gusts in the city, but they're nothing compared to the cold lake winds in Chicago. Because of this, the wind chill will make it colder in Chicago even if the temps stay the same.

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Being Aware Of How Hard It Is To Get Around In The Winter In New York And Chicago 

All cities experience icy streets, slushy roads, and lots of layering before going outside in the winter. Residents of both New York and Chicago have to deal with the inconvenience of scraping ice off of their cars, shoveling snow, and trying not to slip on frozen walkways. Homeowners and business owners in New York know how important it is to deep clean their properties during the winter to keep them safe and fresh after weeks of muddy boots and melting snow. So, consider getting Deep Cleaning Chicago to make sure your home and business are safe and clean.

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Choosing Between New York And Chicago To See Which Is Colder 

The answer is obvious now that we've looked at the temperatures, wind chills, and snowfall: Chicago is colder in the winter than New York! Chicago winters are far worse than those in New York because of the city's frigid temperatures, strong winds, and heavier precipitation. 

For a winter vacation, if you ever have to choose between the two cities, just remember that Chicago will need thick socks, extra layers, and a huge hug for the cold and snow. The winters in New York are cold, but nothing like those in Chicago!