What Are The Poorest Suburbs Of Chicago?

A Closer Look At The Poorest Suburbs Of Chicago

Exploring The Poorest Suburbs Of Chicago

Chicago is a city of contrasts. It's a bright, pulsating city in which stories of towering skyscrapers, deep-dish pizza, and beautified parks are told, yet that is not the signature that is carried by all areas within Chicago. Some suburbs—most especially from outside of this town—face gigantic challenges. For so many families that make their home far out in these suburbs, poverty is truly a reality.

Today we will be looking closer at some of the poorest suburbs in Chicago, talking about what life is like, why these places struggle, and how people are working to make things better.

The dining table is being cleaned by the immaculate maid.

Why Do Some Suburbs Suffer More Than Others?

Poverty is not only about lacking money but also about not being able to afford a decent education, a proper place to live in a nice neighborhood without violence, or to have a good job. The closure of area factories has devastated many suburbs. Other suburbs faced criminal activities or simply lacked investment by governmental entities or businesses.

And yet, even in these toughest areas, it always feels well worth mentioning those who are struggling desperately to make things better for themselves and their families.

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The family library is rearranged by the hard-working maid.

The Poorest Suburbs Of Chicago

Let's look in more detail now at a few suburbs that were open about accepting some of the most serious challenges when it comes to poverty: the suburbs that weren't downtown Chicago have their stories, too.

Harvey, Illinois

When a discussion involves any and all issues of poverty within the greater area of Chicago, the city of Harvey practically tops that list. In fact, this suburb of Chicago truly has been burdened with so many different types of problems for an extremely long time. Many of the factories offering the bulk of the better-paying job opportunities have shut down, leaving work extremely difficult to find.

There is also a great problem with crime in Harvey, therefore making it hard for any family to feel safe. But not everything is a disaster in Harvey. It is a community where everyone cares for their neighbor. Organizations and churches, at an individual level, do try to lend a helping hand to the needy by providing them with food, clothes, and even job training so as to get them back into the groove.

Robbins, Illinois

Robbins is another nearby town that has seen better days. A town that used to be thriving has been struggling with unemployment and a drop in the number of people living there. But it does have some interesting past. It was one of the first African American villages in the country. Robbins's people are now working to rebuild their city and make people feel hopeful again.

Ford Heights, Illinois

A great many people say that Ford Heights is one of the worst neighborhoods in the country. The last few years have been very hard for this village. Understanding why there are so few jobs in the town is easier when you know that there are no businesses operational within the city. Families live below the poverty line, and kids go to schools that don't have enough money. Still, most people in Ford Heights have a hard time. They never give up because they are attached to their homes.

The leaders make sure that the community always has new chances, that businesses want to set up shop, and that schools start getting better so that kids can also have a good future.

Cicero, Illinois

Cicero is a multi-ethnic place that can be considered as a melting pot of cultures. However, it does have a community like most others, with some families falling into poverty because of things like gang violence and schools being too crowded, which makes life hard for parents and kids alike.

East Chicago, Indiana

Alright, so East Chicago is in Indiana, technically, but it's part of the Chicago metro, so we'll count it here. This suburb has been plagued with environmental issues. Many of those old factories—which are here—left a lot of pollution. It is very hard to live healthily when there is that much pollution in a place. Poverty is huge in East Chicago, along with cleaning up and bringing in jobs. People in this community work together to make their area a good place to live.

The property is gleaming clean thanks to the immaculate cleaner.

What Is It Like To Live In These Suburbs? 

In fact, living in a poor area is not appealing. It's a bummer to go to school without any books or teachers to think about and to look for work when there is none. There aren't any shopping stores nearby for some families, so they can't get fresh food. People have called these places "food deserts," and they're a big problem in a lot of poor neighborhoods. 

But there is some good news. These places have strong people. They look out for each other, and there are always stories of hope and kindness. As an example, some places have neighborhood gardens where people grow their own food. There are some that help kids stay safe and get homework help after school.

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How Can We Help?

Do you really want to change things? You can help in many ways. You could help out at a community center or give food to food banks. You could also just talk about the troubles people in the suburbs are having. It helps in every way. If you're in the Chicago area, you might even want to buy from any of these small shops. 

The kitchen countertop is being cleaned by a professional.

The Bigger View Of Poverty

By learning about the poorest suburbs of Chicago, we can better understand how hard it is to start finding a solution that most of these people can gain from and help with. There are a lot of hardworking, caring men and women in those areas who deserve more than a small chance to improve their families' quality of life and future. Remember that there's more to a neighborhood like Harvey or Robbins than just being poor the next time you hear about it. There is hope, people are strong, and many are trying to make things better.

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Poverty In Some Suburbs Of Chicago 

There are many areas in Chicago, and each one has its own story to tell. There are a lot of problems in the poorest areas, but they are also places where people can help each other. We can all change things by learning how to help this kind of group and simultaneously making our own futures better. Also, remember that companies like Deep Cleaning Chicago are building communities one job at a time whenever you need your home or office cleaned. Let's keep talking about this and work together to make things better.


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