Is Chicago Colder Than New York?

How Chicago’s Winter Compares To New York’s Winter Chill

What Sets Chicago And New York Apart In Winter Conditions

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If one is going to bring up iconic American cities, then Chicago and New York are always sure to steal the limelight. With its skyscrapers or bustling neighborhoods, each of them possesses something different in character. During the winter season, the conversation is all about how the two cities compare to one another in the cold weather. Is Chicago really colder than New York? Let's look at the facts and see how the harshness of winter affects daily life, even down to keeping a clean and comfortable home.

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Comparing New York And Chicago’s Winter Temperature Comparing New York And Chicago’s Winter Temperature 

While both cities are seen to endure a rather harsh winter, there does exist a striking difference between the climate of these cities. Chicago's is a type of "continental climate," meaning winters are brutally cold and the temperature sometimes takes drastic dips. New York City has a moderated climate, due in part to its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. New York winters are far from mild but usually less severe compared to the biting cold of Chicago.

During Chicago winters, the temperature in January will typically be about 24°F (-4°C), but much colder with the wind. Factor in the famous "Lake Effect": moisture from Lake Michigan sometimes accounts for great snowfalls. With that wind it adds ice too. For a point of reference, the average temperature this month for New York City is a little closer, at 32°F or 0°C. On paper that sounds negligible, but yet those few degrees greatly affect the ways of any particular winter in those cities.

How The Wind Shapes The Cold

Perhaps one of the largest contributors to a colder reputation for Chicago is its nickname, the Windy City. While the nickname officially dealt with political boastfulness, it quite aptly defines the sustained gusts that make the winters here so much more extreme. Frigid air, combined with high winds, translates into a biting cold that can pierce through even the thickest layers.

New York has its fair share of winter winds, too, while in Manhattan the gusts get funneled through narrow corridors between skyscrapers. These, however, are less frequent and not as serious as those in Chicago. This may be one more reason why, although the temperature is pretty similar in both cities, Chicago could be considered colder.

Snowstorms And Winter Challenges

Maybe the largest ways in which winters differ between Chicago and New York include snowfall. While on average, Chicago sees about 36 inches annually, others promise even that amount in an average single storm. In fact, sitting as it does within the very belly of the Midwest, serious amounts during a storm most often hit, with heavy falling snow. New York, on the other hand, gets an average of only about 25 inches annually, though there is always one random chance of significant snowfall due to nor'easters.

Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures in Chicago all seem to be working in tandem in this never-ending fight against making life as tough as possible for the citizens of that city. Slipping sidewalks, frozen pipes, and snow-laden roads-all of these need special attention. Staying on top of home maintenance and cleaning becomes more vital during those months. For example, an orderly kitchen means much easier meal preparation when the temperature outside falls low. At Deep Cleaning Chicago, we understand how crucial it is to keep your home cozy and inviting during the harshest winter season.

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The Psychological Impact Of Brutal Winters

Chicago winters are draining not only physically but also psychologically. The seemingly endless gray skies, icy roads, and bitter cold can bring on what many people refer to as the "winter blues." New Yorkers are no strangers to seasonal affective disorder, though the slightly milder weather and shorter duration of extreme cold in New York may make it easier to manage. Of course, there are ways to embrace the season unique to both cities. Chicagoans get through it with winter festivals, ice skating, and hearty comfort foods. New Yorkers find their doses of warmth and cheer in cozy cafes, holiday markets, and theater shows.

No matter where you reside, a neat, clean home is bound to uplift your mood during the winter season. A neat place, aside from its functionality, will be quite friendly and keep you away from winter's blues.

Keeping Your Home Comfortable During The Cold Months

Wet boots track in slush, heaters stir up dust, and kitchens get more use as families cook up warm, homemade meals. When the snow starts falling and temperatures lower, people want to spend more time indoors, which usually equates to more mess. That makes it even more important to keep a clean and comfortable living space during the year. It is important to make your home more inviting by cleaning off surfaces, vacuuming, and deep cleaning the kitchen on a regular basis. Of course, busy schedules and additional winter stressors can make these hard to stay on top of. That's where professional cleaning services can really make a difference-be it a one-time deep clean or ongoing help. It's pragmatic, really, to ensure the comforts of home remain invitingly warm and restorative throughout the harsh winter months.

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Which City Truly Feels Colder?

So, is Chicago colder than New York? By the numbers at least, the answer would be yes. The generally lower temperatures in Chicago include stronger winds and heavier snowfall to really drive the chill home. The perception of cold has a subjective, disagreeing tinge, considering a wind factor, humidity, and personal endurance. Some could further claim that New York winters were just as oppressive, damp, and wet, over the biting dry cold of Chicago.

No matter which city one calls home, both have their own special ways to embrace the cold winter months. From New York's iconic Rockefeller Center ice skating rink to Chicago's skating ribbon in Millennium Park, there is no shortage of things to do to keep spirits high-even on the coldest of days.

Making Winter More Comfortable With A Clean Space

Whatever the outdoor temperature may be, one of the simplest antidotes to the blues this winter may indeed be a tidy, well-run house. Giving your living rooms a really deep clean might clear up indoor air quality by sweeping away allergens and, yes, making life even more comfortable. Whether it is arranging closets or scouring kitchen countertops, those tiny little projects that often get second thought could translate into a big deal.

If winter is catching up with you in Chicago, between shoveling and feeling down, we at Deep Cleaning Chicago are your perfect ally. Our team will provide your household with in-depth, reliable cleaning that will keep it fresh, even during the toughest weather conditions. We can help with one-time deep cleaning or regular maintenance.

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Finding Joy In Winter Despite The Cold

It is somewhat easy to get wrapped up in the dreariness of winter with both cities. At the same time, though, both Chicago and New York provide ways to beauty in this season: snow-covered parks sparkling like diamonds down to cozy nights by the fire. While Chicago might have colder winters, New York also has days with frost.

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