Deep Cleaning Chicago LLC

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Does It Rain A Lot In Chicago?

How Often Does It Actually Rain In Chicago?

Understanding Chicago’s Rainfall Patterns

When people hear the name Chicago, they might think of its pizza, its tall buildings, or the wind for which it is nicknamed. But what about rain? Is Chicago always a city of rain or is it just an overrated city when it comes to rain?

A common misconception is that Chicago is one of the rainiest cities in the US; however, this is not the case. Still, it rains in this city but not as much as in Seattle or New Orleans, for instance. But, if you had been there on a particularly dull day, you would have been tempted to think otherwise.

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How Does Chicago Feel When It Rains?

It is always hard to tell when it will rain in Chicago. Sometimes, you may wake up with clouds and rain that may take several hours before they disappear. Sometimes it will rain suddenly in the city and rain for a while, then stop without warning.

One of the biggest factors in Chicago’s rainfall is Lake Michigan. The big lake can influence the weather of the city and sometimes bring rain at very unexpected times. While the lake effect is best known for the snow it brings, it can also affect rain.

Does It Rain More In The City Or Suburbs?

It is surprising to learn that the metropolis consistently receives more rainfall than the nearby suburbs. The urban heat island effect explains why cities retain heat better than the surrounding areas. This extra heat can also be used to create storms, which will increase the amount of rain that falls on the metropolis.

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Interesting Facts About Rain In Chicago

Has It Ever Rained For Days In A Row?

Yes! Although in Chicago there is not always a lot of rain, sometimes the storms just sit above the city. The record for the wettest was in September 2008, with, surprisingly enough, 6.85 inches falling within two days! At one time, that much rain led to flooding in some parts of the area.

What Is The Wettest Year On Record?

As it turns out, the wettest year on record for Chicago was 2019, with the city receiving a total of 50.12 inches of rain. That is far more than the average and was as a result of frequent storms and wet seasons.

Can Chicago’s Rain Help Keep The City Clean?

Surprisingly, yes! However, excessive rainfall leads to flooding, while moderate rainfall aids in washing away dirt, dust, and pollutants on the streets and buildings. Most businesses, including Deep Cleaning Chicago, are aware that rain helps to clean the city naturally; however, there are times when things need to be thoroughly cleaned.

The Rainfall Situation In Chicago

There is not much rain in the city. Despite the fact that the city receives rainfall on a regular basis, it is not as much as in some other cities of the United States. It is not a light rain; rather, it comes in short intervals, and the residents of this city know how to work around it.

Don’t let the rain dampen your spirits if you are planning to visit. Why not just open the weather app and see if it’s going to rain, grab an umbrella, and just live life to the fullest in Chicago?