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Can Eighteen Year Olds Drink In Chicago?

Turning eighteen is a big deal since it marks the beginning of adulthood. Voting, signing legal documents, and even getting a tattoo are all possible without parental consent. Alcohol, however, is exempt from this rule. In Chicago, just like the entire state of Illinois, the age of legal drinking is 21 years. So many 18-year-olds just keep wondering if there are any exemptions in such conditions to drink or not. In order not to have lawsuits over underage drinking at private parties, restaurants, and homes, Chicago has some laws against such acts.

Are There Any Exceptions That Allow 18-Year-Olds To Drink Alcohol In Chicago?

Some states have exemptions included under the drinking age law. However, Illinois prohibits them all. In the vast majority of cases, an 18-year-old cannot even get a drink when their parents are present. This is distinct from many states where underage drinking may be permitted in private homes, such as your grandparents' house. This means that even though a parent permits an 18-year-old to drink at home, it remains illegal under state law. There are only very limited exceptions based on religious ceremonies or medical treatment that require the administration of alcohol.

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Parental Supervision And Drinking At Home In Private Settings For 18-Year-Olds

Other assumptions that people make include: if mom and dad allow their 18-year-old to drink at home, it must be legal. Not true. Illinois law does not recognize this as a valid exception. If an underage person is caught drinking, he or she, as well as the person who provided the alcohol, can be legally treated as offenders. Parents can be fined or even charged if they allow underage drinking at home and it leads to an incident, for example, a car accident.

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Why Chicago Bars And Restaurants Strictly Enforce The 21-Year-Old Drinking Age

If an 18-year-old attempted to buy alcohol at a bar or restaurant, they would most likely be sent away. Chicago businesses avoid breaking the city's alcohol rules since doing so could result in severe fines and penalties. Many of these establishments ask their bartenders and servers to verify the identity of anyone who looks under 30 to prevent wrong identification. Some bars have gone as far as using ID scanners to prevent fraudulent IDs from passing.

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How The Legal Drinking Age Affects Social Life For Young Adults In Chicago

For 18-year-olds, drinking laws do make social life a little tough in Chicago. College students and young adults love to go out and have a good time. However, sober alternatives have to be found. Young adults have fewer choices for nightlife because many bars and clubs only allow admission to those who are over 21 years old. Still, there are still numerous things that can be done in Chicago such as music venues, outdoor events, and late-night food spots that have nothing to do with booze.

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What 18-Year-Olds Can Do For Fun In Chicago Without Breaking Drinking Laws

Chicago's 18-year-olds can still have a good time while being prohibited from drinking. There are many alcohol-free things to do in the city. The Music Box Theatre is one of the movie theaters that hosts late-night screenings for young adults. The age group of less than 21 years is allowed to enter the live music venues, comedy acts, and arcades. Outdoorsy young adults can have fun with their friends at the lakefront in Chicago, in the parks, or even watching sports.

Why 18-Year-Olds In Chicago Cannot Legally Drink And What They Should Keep In Mind

Chicago has pretty straight-forward laws concerning alcohol. The 18-year-old's liquor is out of bounds in all situations, including drinking at home with parents and bars and restaurants that are vigilant about IDs. Although the restriction can be annoying at times, safety is a key justification for it. Well, Chicago still has loads of fun stuff to do with teenagers that does not involve liquor. There are plenty of fun things to do in the city without breaking the law, from comedy shows and concerts to outdoor gatherings and late-night dining.

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